Popsci for Young Adults
12 May 2014As I role up my sleeves and get into the NGSS (science standards) as well as the Common Core (math and ELA), I have begun to think about how other teachers can help my scholars learn science.
I hope to help math and ELA teachers by reinforcing math, reading, writing skills in science.
Math is relatively straightforward and I can easily recommend physics problems for any high school math concept. ELA, on the other hand, presents a more substantial challenge. There are dozens of incredible of PopSci books and scientist biographies I would recommend for 12th grade readers, but there is very little PopSci work for young adults (8th - 10th grade reading level).
So I am crowdsourcing a booklist here. Any good recommendations for age appropriate PopSci? Please leave suggestions in the comments.
There is a great deal we can do with scientific writing and reading shorter articles, but I would really like to find some proper books.